
What Is Orthographic Mapping?

Orthographic Mapping is a term that sounds daunting, but it is fundamental for fluent reading.
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Spelling Blocks

How Spelling Affects Reading and Writing

Spelling is one of the most forgotten aspects of literacy development. In many classroom settings, it is looked at as an afterthought, and instruction is limited to rote spelling drills and memorization (Birsh, 2005).
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A Thank You Letter to Our Teachers

To all our educators,
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Ways to Help Your Child Build Vocabulary

“What does the word ______ mean?” asks every child everywhere. “Look it up in the dictionary,” most parents reply!
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Digital Learning

Best Digital Tools for Reading Development

Over the last few weeks, many parents have found themselves in the role of providing instruction to their children without the resources to feel successful.
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Humpty Dumpty

Importance of Poetry, Rhyming, and Music When Learning to Read

April is National Poetry Month!
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